
My intention is to work with you in the creation of a joyful, deeply meaningful and very personal and unique wedding ceremony.

As a couple you are truly unique and you will have your own philosophies, beliefs and life path.  I will co-create a bespoke, person-centred ceremony that will reflect you, your wishes and your life together.

By deeply listening to your wishes, I can reflect you as a couple, your story and your life path, your aspirations and intentions.

Your ceremony will be an uplifting, deeply meaningful personal experience.

Below are some examples of what you may wish to include in your ceremony.

  • Opening Words and Welcome
  • Music
  • Storytelling
  • Readings - religious/non-religious
  • Hymns/Mantras/Singing/Chants,/Dance
  • Poetry
  • Vow Taking
  • Exchange of rings
  • Images/Symbolism/Symbolic Acts
  • Participation of family and friends
  • Ritual - from various traditions and sources
  • If required, I can include the legal aspect of your ceremony

This list is not exhausitve and there are many rituals and traditions that may also be included in a ceremony, for example, hand-fasting, ring warming, oathing the stone, jumping the broom, candle lighting, to name a few.  Whatever you wish to have included may be woven into your ceremony.  We can, together, create a ceremony that is true to you as a couple.

It is your ceremony, your choice...

I will be delighted to offer my services as a minister for your special day and to be part of co-creating a wonderful, heart-felt and joyous occasion.

I am affiliated with the OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation and I adhere to their code of conduct and, as such, I  am able to conduct the legal aspect of your marriage in Scotland, if this is required.  There is no charge for this additional legal part of your ceremony.  

What you can expect from me

  • I will meet with you to discuss, and listen to, your needs and wishes and to design and co-create your ceremony.  We will also discuss the legal aspect of your ceremony, if this is required.
  • I will produce a beautifully crafted and unique ceremony for you.
  • I will provide a draft version of your ceremony, which will be e-mailed, delivered or sent to you in order that you can alter or add to the content.
  • I will remain in communication with you throughout the planning stages of your ceremony.
  • I will hold loving and sacred space for your special day and I will give an eloquent, joyful and compassionate delivery of your bespoke ceremony.  I will also perform the legal aspects of your marriage or civil partnership, if this is required.
  • I can provide options for my style of dress.
  • I can offer a ceremony rehearsal, if requested.
  • I will provide you with a presentation copy of your ceremony.

Fees for the creation of your ceremony - From £450